These nine celestial bodies in the cosmos influence every aspect of our lives and is responsible for all the ‘good or bad’ times we face in life. What happens in the planets as a macrocosm is mirrored with in us as microcosm (or it could be seen the other way around!). These planetary energies are reflected in our energy centers or chakras. The ancients have developed specific Sanskrit sound modules and mantras to align the planetary energies with in our energy centres so one can be in harmony with the nine planets. Rahu and Ketu are called the 'chaya grahas' meaning shadow planets. They are the lunar nodes that cause the eclipse. There is also an ancient story in which Rahu is represented as a huge serpent that swallows the moon during eclipse. Most temples in India have a separate section for the nine planetary Gods. I can recall circling the navagraha nine times when I was a kid without knowing what I was doing! The holy man in the temple once told me that the last circle should be in the anti-clock direction which is for the Sani god. In southern India, there is a festival dedicated to Surya, the sun god which is also called as the sugarcane festival.
The below chart gives the connection between the planets and the chakras.

Chandra (Soma), Moon
Crown Chakra - Top of the Head
Surya (Ravi), Sun
Third Eye Chakra – Forehead
Shani, Saturn
Throat Chakra – Throat
Shukra, Venus
Heart Chakra – Heart
Guru (Brihaspati), Jupiter
Solar Plexus Chakra – Navel
Budha, Mercury
Sacral Chakra - Abdomen
Mangal, Mars
Root Chakra - Ovaries/Prostate
Rahu, Lunar ascending node
Ketu, Lunar descending node
Mantras for the 9 Planets
Surya mantra (Sun)
OM Japaa Kusumasankasham Kasyapeyam Maha Dhyuthim
Tamognam Sarvapaapghnam Pranatosmi Divakaram
Aum hraan hreen hron seh Suryaya Namah
I salute Sun, who is red like a Hibiscus, the descendant of Kaashyapa, Foe of darkness and has splendid radiance and the one who dispels all sins
Chandra mantra (Moon)
OM Dadhi Shankha tushaa-raabham Khseero Darnava Sambhavam
Namaami Shashinam Somam Shambhor Mukuta Bhooshanam
Aum Shran Shrin Shron seh Chandraye Namah
The one who has the hue of curd and icebergs, who rose from Ksheasagar and who adorns the head of Shiva. I prostrate to the Moon, the ruling deity of the soma juice
Mangal mantra (Mars)
OM Dharanee garbha sambhootam ,Vidyut Kaanti Sama-prabham
Kumaram Shakti Hastam Cha Mangalaam Pranamamyamaham
Aum Kran Krin Kron seh Bhaumaaye Namah
I pray to Mars, born of Earth, His effulgence is like that of lightning. He is called Kumara and who holds in his hand weapon called Shakti
Budha mantra (Mercury)
OM Priyangukalika Shyaamam , Roopenaa Pratimam Budham
Soumyam Soumya Guno Petham Tam Budham Pranamamyamham
Aum Bran Brin Bron seh Budhaye Namah
I pray to Mercury, who has a dark blue complexion and whose beauty is unmatched. Mercury possesses gentle and charming characteristics.
Guru mantra (Jupiter)
OM Deva-naam cha Rishi Naam cha Gurum kaanchana sannibham,
Buddhi Bhootam Trilokesham Tam Namaami Brihaspatim
Aum Gran Grin Gron seh Guruve Namah
I pray to Jupiter, the preceptor of saints, gods, and rishis, intellect incarnate, lord of the three worlds
Shukra mantra (Venus)
OM HimaKundha Mrina-laabham Daitya-naam Paramam Gurum
Sarva Shastra Pravaktaaram Bhargavam Pranamaamyamham
Aum Dran Drin Dron Seh Shukraye Namah
I pray to Venus, the son of Bhagu. Venus is the spiritual master of asuras, promulgator of all learning, he who shines like the fiber of snow-white jasmine
Shani mantra (Saturn)
OM Neelanjanasamaabhasam Ravi Putram Yamaagrajam
Chaaya Marthanda Sambhootam Tam Namaami Shanaiswaram
Aum Pram Prim Pron seh Shanicharaye Namah
Lord Shani is the one who is dark blue in complexion, who is the son of Lord Surya and his wife Chaya, who is the elder brother of Yama. The slow moving, I prostrate that Shaneeswara
Rahu mantra
OM Ardha Kaayam Mahaa Veeryam Chandra- Aditya Vimardanam
Simhika Garbha Sambhootam Tam Rahum Pranamaamyaham
Aum Bhran Bhrin Bhron seh Rahve Namah
I pray to Lord Rahu, the son of Simhika, having half a body, of exceptional strength and is the eclipser of the Moon and the Sun
Ketu mantra
OM Palaasha Pushpa Sankaasham Tarakaa Graha Mastakam
Roudram Roudraatma-kam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranamaamya-ham
Aum Sran Srin Sron seh Ketve Namah
I pray to Lord Ketu, who has the appearance of Palaasha flower, the head of planets and stars. Lord Ketu is fearsome and violent
Prayer for all the nine planets
OM Nama Suryaya Somaya Mangalaya Budhaya Cha,
Guru Shukra Sanibhyascha, Rahava Kethave Nama
I pray to all 9 planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu